My Sion Does No Dmg

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Once again I come asking for a good item setup for Sion.
I've already got the skills down pat, I'm working on learning when it's a smart idea to just keep chasing the enemy.
I mainly use the following to start out:
Exhaust (Great for those runners, slows em' down quite a bit.)
Ghost (Also great for those runners, lets me catch up to em.)
I usually begin a game by buying Vampiric Scepter and then using my skill point on Enrage, basically giving me an early little damage booster.
I then, when it's convenient (Read:When I get enough gold) Wriggle's Lantern, and from there I've just been experimenting. I always get a Phantom Dancer at least, but the other items are usually random. I've been trying to always get a Sunfire Cape near the end for those last ditch rushes.
My main problem is early dieing. If I get double teamed right from the get go, I'm a sitting duck with no armor.
Also, note that I'm not Summoner level 20 yet, meaning no access to Tier 3 runes, and I'm probably going to be spending my next 3100 IP to get the knight guy, since he seems like he'd be a much more reliable tank/damager.

My Sion Does No Dmg Work

Dec 01, 2017  About Me Hey guys, my name is Thanos. I'm a jungle main, but I dabble in top and mid also. I've been playing League since season 6 and my favorite champs of all time are Sion, Shaco, Gangplank, and Fizz.I love making guides that people can just.

My Sion Does No Dmg Download

The logic is pretty simple. Your E doesn't 'make your attacks do more damage' it adds attack damage. Which is a HUGE difference. Because the added AD can crit, and you can Lifesteal off of AD, but not magic damage on hit. Also, splitting your damage between magic (Wit's End) and physical makes it so you can't itemize penetration. That said, Wit's End isn't the worst item to buy. It just doesn't go well with AD Sion, who's entire gimmick is dealing HUGE physical damage with more than 100% Lifesteal so you can't die.
The problem here though is that you were jungling Sion. I can't imagine how you would clear camps early with any measure of speed, let alone how you would jungle without a Blue. And you would gain HP soooo sllooowwwlllyyy farming jungle camps. If you were playing him super-ganky (Rush mobi boots, stun people in the face) I could kind of see it working like a Shaco. Poor clear, but amazing ganks. Anyways, I would 100% rush Hydra (Starting with Tiamat), because it would let him clear camps a thousand times faster, and it is just a brutally good item on AD Sion anyways.
Soo, yeah. I just don't see why you would play Sion in the jungle, rather than top. Until the remake comes out. Then I have no idea.